Be advised that changing your location will remove the contents from your bag.
Asterisk, Unfortunately, we do not currently offer online shopping in these locations.
Asia (country/region)
Why should I register my suitcase online?
By registering your suitcase online, you can find all the details of the lifetime guarantee under the conditions written within our guarantee manual. Register your RIMOWA by creating a RIMOWA account here.
How do I register my suitcase online?
You can register your suitcase online by creating a RIMOWA account. You will need to complete the online form specifying your personal data, and enter your RIMOWA suitcase's unique serial number. You will find your RIMOWA's serial number on the outside frame of your suitcase. You will find all the details of the lifetime guarantee in accordance with the conditions written within our guarantee manual.
Who can register a suitcase?
Each RIMOWA suitcase can be registered either by the purchaser or the person who received the product as a gift. You can register your RIMOWA here.