How can I check the availability of an item in store?
If you would like to check the availability of a RIMOWA product at one of our stores, we invite you to visit the desired product page and click on the "Pick Up in Store" button. You will be redirected to our store locator, which will show you nearby stores that have the item in stock. Please note that in the meantime, the product you are checking might be sold to a client in the store.
Can I be notified when an item is back in stock on
If you would like to receive an email alert when a product is back in stock, you can visit the product page and click on the “Notify me” button. You can enter your email address to receive a notification.
Please note that for some products, the “Notify me" functionality may not be available.
How do I know when a product is back in stock in a store ?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to receive alerts when items are back in stock in stores.
We recommend contacting our Client Service team who may assist you.